Town of Woodbury, CT
Trash Reduction Pilot Program
Program Details

Connecticut is Facing a Trash Crisis:
Waste disposal capacity in the US is shrinking.
The New England region is expected to lose 40% of its trash disposal capacity in the next 5 years and up to 100% by 2040.
The MIRA incinerator in Hartford, is no longer burning trash, this facility was relied on by 35 neighboring communities, leaving them without a disposal site.
This loss of trash disposal capacity is significantly affecting Woodbury.
The alternative of trucking CT trash up to 600 miles out of state is expensive and not sustainable. We need a new approach.

We Need Everybody to Reduce Their Waste!
Food scraps make up 20% of the waste we currently throw away and can easily be converted to energy and compost right here in Connecticut.
The food scrap collection pilot provides Transfer Station users a convenient and easy way to recycle their food scraps at no additional cost.
Removing food waste from the trash and converting those scraps into clean, renewable energy can save us money.

Woodbury is Leading the Way Towards a Solution:
Woodbury received a $127K dollar grant from DEEP to implement a pilot program at the Transfer Station.
The pilot program will allow the Town and our residents to try the program before deciding if we want to make it permanent.The food scraps collection pilot program is free to residents who use the Transfer Station.
All Transfer Station users will separate out food scraps from the trash and place into special color-coded trash bags provided by the town.
A permanent program has an environmental impact equal to adding 4,370 solar panels each year! It’s also the equivalent of removing 830 gasoline powered passenger cars from the roads.
Here's How You Can Participate:
Residents who use the Transfer Station will receive an allotment of free colored-coded bags for the duration of the yearlong pilot:
1 green (8-gallon) food scrap bag per week for food scraps
2 orange (15-gallon) tall kitchen bags per week for non-recyclable household trash
Recycling of paper & cardboard and bottles & cans will continue as usual.
Residents should tie and close each of the orange and green bags and bring to the Transfer Station for disposal.
The food scraps will be sent to a facility to be converted into green energy.
Learn more at the links at the top of the page!

More Information
For more information, please contact the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG)
Christine O’Neill, NVCOG
49 Leavenworth Street,
Waterbury, CT 06702
(203) 489-0351
Transfer Station
22 Bacon Pond Rd
Woodbury, CT 06798
(203) 263-3633
Tuesday 8:00AM – 3:30PM
Thursday 8:00AM – 3:30PM
Friday 8:00AM – 3:30PM
Saturday 8:00AM – 3:30PM