Stonington, CT
What to Recycle?
Please continue to recycle as normal, there are no changes to the recycling program

Recyclables can be in any container, 32 gallon and under. Recyclables in plastic bags will not be collected. Please flatten any cardboard and please keep your recyclables secured to prevent the wind from blowing the contents down your street!
Please Note:
If you use plastic bags or your recyclable are contaminated, the haulers will not be able to pick up your recyclables. Please place containers to the curb by 6:30am on your collection day.
Please do not put recyclables in plastic bags of any kind.
Do not include food contaminated paper with your recyclables.
Styrofoam (with or without the #6 recycling symbol) is not recyclable.
All items should be clean. No broken glass, please.
Plastic Bottles, Jars, Jugs, & Tubs
Plastic Bottles and Containers (clean & empty containers with lids and caps ON)
Plastic Soda, Water & Drink Bottles
Plastic Food & Household Bottles/Jars
(screw top bottles and jars, ex. ketchup, mayonnaise, detergent, shampoo)Plastic Tubs & Lids
(ex. yogurt, margarine, cottage cheese)Plastic Produce, Deli & Bakery Containers, Cups, Trays
(berries/produce containers)
Please do not include:
No plastic bags or plastic utensils. Bring plastic bags back to the grocery store.
No black plastic take-out containers
No Polystyrene (Styrofoam)
No bulky plastics (buckets, crates) or toys
No flower pots
No containers that contained hazardous waste
Glass Bottles and Jars
Glass bottles and jars (empty containers with caps OFF)
All glass colors
Please do not include:
No windows, mirrors, or auto glass
No light bulbs (fluorescent bulbs should be disposed of properly)
No dishes, ceramics, or Pyrex
No containers that contained hazardous waste
Metal Cans & Aluminum
Metal cans and Aluminum (empty containers)
Steel, tin, and aluminum cans
Clean aluminum pie plates, trays, and foil
Please do not include:
No chains, wires or hangers
No aerosol containers
No pots and pans
No containers that contained hazardous waste
Paper and Cardboard
Magazines & Catalogs
All newspapers & inserts
Paperboard (cereal boxes, paper towel rolls, etc.) & paper bags
Cardboard – please flatten
Empty Pizza boxes
Office paper, Junk mail (Staples, paperclips, spirals, & plastic envelope windows are OK)
Brown bags
Phone books
Cartons, empty and replace cap
Please do not include:
No recyclables with food waste
No napkins, paper towels, tissues
No frozen food boxes
No gift wrap
No foam padding
To learn more about how to recycle paint, electronics, fluorescent bulbs, or vehicles, please visit Recycling Special Items on Stonington’s website.
Additional items can be recycled at the transfer station, such as books, usable household goods, mattresses, scrap metal, leaves & yard waste. Learn more here.
Pink Bag Program – Free Curbside collection of used clothing, shoes and accessories
Wondering if something is recyclable? Type the name of a waste item at RecycleCT, and we will tell you how to recycle or dispose of it.
More Information
For more information, please contact the Town of Stonington Solid Waste and Recycling Department.
Stonington Town Hall is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am-4:00pm
Town of Stonington
152 Elm Street
Stonington, CT 06378